Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Heron’s Formula

Area of a triangle is half of the base multiplied by height,
Calculating height in every triangular shape is difficult to fight.

Heron's was a famous mathematician from Egypt,
Many results of mensuration written in his manuscript.

He formulated sides of the triangle with its area,
Verify this from the Pythagoras criteria.

Archimedes might know this over two centuries earlier,
In some cases, Brahmagupta and Bretschneider raised the portiere.

Heron gave approximation rule of the square root of a number,
Babylonian kept this method with another nomenclature.

  • This poem is published in the proceeding of  MTA (I) Inaugural Conference, HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai, 2019

    1. What is the utility of Herons formula

    2. Herons formula can find the area of any triangular shape using lengths of its sides.



    --Please write a huge post. -- π